You may have noticed that TekAMS has changed a little. You are correct. We upgraded our infrastructure on 10-July-2020 and with it came several changes we hope will improve the user experience.
Here's a summary of the changes:
Integration with User name/Password.
a. A separate login is still required, but it will use the same user name and password as
b. Synchronization between databases for user registration info has been eliminated.
c. Removes separate “extranet” password.
d. Removes separate “extranet access request”.
- Users can Log Out from application without closing window.
- New users only get 1 email to get access (registration link and claim check in one email).
a. No “waiting” for the next email to be sent after registration.
b. Users can re-send their claim check email after logging in.
- Removal of Separate Asset Table.
a. No requirement to select a “Place” when setting up new instrument.
b. Remove of errors during license checkout when the asset is setup incorrectly.
- Host ID acquisition instructions on the page when checking out a license.
- Removal of separate tab for Floating and Node Locked Inventory.
- New tab to show all orders for licenses.
- Enable License Key Managers to remove Users and re-send Invitations.