What is a Floating License?

Monday , July , 27, 2020

A "Floating" license is a software license that can be moved between different instruments at your company.

This license is "checked out" to instrument by using this TekAMS application. You begin the checkout process by selecting the license you want, the platform you will install the license on (either a Tektronix manufactured instrument, or your own personal computer or tablet). Then you will specify the instrument details that the license will be installed on. Based on the specific software and platform, you may be asked for a Model and Serial number, a Host ID, or all three.

After you enter that information, you may optionally specify additional "end user" information that makes sense for your organization.

The application will then generate a license key file that you can download and install on your device.

When you have finished using the software, you can then create an "Exit" file from the instrument that will uninstall the key from the device. You must then upload that "Exit" file to TekAMS. When that is complete, the "Floating" license will be available for another user to use on a different device.

There is not limit on the number of checkouts and checkins you can do on a floating license. However, the length of a check out can be as short as 4 hours, or as long as 4 years.

If the floating license hits its expiration date without an "Exit" file being generated, it will automatically stop working on the instrument and will be returned to available inventory.

As the expiration date approaches, the end user will get a "reminder" email indicating that the license is about to expire. They can either check in the license with the "exit" key process, or let the license expire and check out a new license.